Each congregation commits to a covenant that includes the same doctrine, cultural statements, and shared preaching calendar that has been a part of Redemption AZ in the past. We’re also committing to new rhythms that promote health, collaboration, and a financial investment in birthing and strengthening healthy local churches.
Each lead pastor will be primarily accountable to their local elders, but will also have an accountability relationship with one or two other pastors who will commit to helping them lead in healthy ways and hold them accountable to our common commitments. Each lead pastor will work with their elders to create a health plan that will be the basis for the accountability discussions.
Rather than implementing the collective vision, doctrine, and heartbeat through centralized initiatives, each congregation is responsible for teaching the doctrine and implementing the collective heartbeat at a local level.
Each church is self governed with elder and staff authority, giving the local leadership the autonomy to contextualize the mission and vision per their specific context. Each church also willingly submits (as a part of their local authority) to the larger collective for accountability and the greater good of the gospel. If a church is no longer able to abide by the larger collective expectations, then they will be asked to graciously separate.
Each congregation is a distinct entity with its own bylaws and governance structure. Each congregation is responsible for their own organization, finances, credit card processing, insurance, website, communications, property, etc. However, churches may enter into agreements with existing churches or we may pursue ways we can collectively benefit from economies of scale that churches can voluntarily participate in.
Each church is fully responsible for the ministry programs they run and the ministry partnerships they form.
Each church agrees with and subscribes to the same doctrinal statement and convictions as Redemption AZ.
We preach the same text on Sundays throughout the year. Collective preaching is the norm, but churches retain the right to adjust or change as their context dictates.
Each Lead Pastor gathers monthly for encouragement and accountability with two or three other lead pastors.
Each of our shared gatherings will be focused on cultivating leadership health and creating environments for radical “shoulder-to-shoulder” cooperation. Rather than having a number of centralized initiatives, we will seek to create a culture built on relational connection that leads to intentional collaboration and sharing.
Examples of those gatherings include:
Annual Event for Shepherds & Spouses: Opportunity for refreshment, encouragement, and fellowship for men and women in staff shepherding roles and their spouses.
Quarterly Leadership Equipping: An in-person gathering for leaders to learn from each other and help each other strengthen their lives and ministries in head, heart, and hands.
Each church commits to living out our cultural statements:
All of life is all for Jesus
We take God seriously, but not ourselves
We have nothing to prove and no one to impress
There are no little people and no little places
We are called to do the Lord’s work the Lord’s way
Life is naturally supernatural
Each financially self-supported church will commit to give an agreed upon percentage for church planting and overlooked communities. We will also invest a percentage of budgeted giving into a collective fund for training, events, care, and, partnerships that promote leadership health.